I was never one to celebrate the new years or actually care all that much. But now that the new years is a couple of hours away, I can’t help but think how this past year has been ‘challenging’ to say the least.

With the death of my uncle, and the death of one of my closest friends forever tainting this year, and the heart-wrenching breakup I’ve been going through.  I am actually optimistic for the next year to start. Not in the ‘ new fresh start’ crap context but because from where I am right now,  there’s nowhere to go but up.

When things are this bad, it can only get better.

An " I love you"

There lies no greater promise than an ” I love you” . No greater truth, no greater hope nor happiness. There is no greater power than that held in the ever so vulnerable ” I love you” 

Words break & build nations, break & build nations within her existence.  Life within her relied solely on the promises he made. Promises both kept and broken, and there was no greater promise than an ” I love you” 

He looked back one last time at her, catching a glimpse of her gracefulness, her elegance, her beauty. Taking one last look at her, a soft breeze playing around with her hair, locks he once adored. Her lips, once the doors to bliss, now holding back every word that will forever be left unsaid.Her eyes glancing away from his, in fear of revealing the emptiness left behind, the pain, the sorrow, the grief. 
While longing for a smile, filled with all the hopefulness in this world, for a touch igniting all the senses he thought were lost, he says his final goodbye.

She wasn’t enough, all her gracefulness, her hopefulness, all her love…it wasn’t enough.

“I love you” – a promise broken. 

And she’s gone.